Friday, July 17, 2009

Taking my best shot

Wow! I've never written so much in my life, but the new book is finished and available for pre-ordering. It's called "Take Your Best Shot" and I'm so excited to be able to share the story of Hoops of Hope and the children of Africa with you. I was able to write it with an amazing writer named Todd Hillard. Just click here if you would like to order it.

What excites me even more though, is being able to hear from you. Being able to hear what you're doing, inspires me a ton. Every day I receive emails from friends across the world who are using their passions, their talents, their unique God-given abilities to help change the world. It's amazing how something so small can turn into something big. You just have to do something! In fact, something as simple as smiling can make the day for someone. Share your stories with others by visiting the Hoops of Hope Facebook Page. You never're story could help inspire someone else to change the world.

See you on Facebook!


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